Opening declaration of an element

How to go to the declaration of an element from within the ST-editor:

  1. Click into the element for the declaration of which you are looking for.
    Example 1: Click into a →call of a →function block. Such an ST-code could be: Control (...);
    Example 2: Click on the type within the declaration of a function block →instance. Such an ST-code could be:  MyInstance : TON; (TON is the type.)

  2. From the context menu of the ST-editor, select Open Declaration. Alternative: Press the F3-key.
    Result: Neuron Power Engineer goes to the corresponding declaration of the element and selects its name.
    Example: The ST-code for the declaration of the function is: FUNCTION_BLOCK Control ... END_FUNCTION_BLOCK, with name Control being selected.

How to go to the declaration from with the ST-editor even quicker:

  1. Press and hold the Ctrl-key, then move the mouse cursor over the element.
    Result: The element becomes a hyperlink as evident by its colored and underlined font. Example:  Control (...); or MyInstance : TON;

  2. Click onto the hyperlink.

If an ST-viewer is active,  Neuron Power Engineer provides the following possibilities within the context menu of the ST-viewer:



Keyboard shortcut

Open Declaration

open the declaration and transfer the →instance context
This command is provided e.g. for the declaration of a function block instance in order to open the function block within the ST-viewer as well.

For the declaration MyInstance : TON; within the ST-viewer, the command is provided for MyInstance. Result of the command: Neuron Power Engineer opens the ST-viewer for TON.


Open in ST Editor

open the declaration, do not transfer the instance context
This command is provided e.g. for the declaration of a function block instance in order to open the current POU within the ST-editor.

For the declaration MyInstance : TON; within the ST-viewer, the command is provided for MyInstance. Result of the command: Neuron Power Engineer opens the ST-editor for the current POU in which the function block instance is declared.


Open Declaration in ST Editor

open the declaration, do not transfer the instance context
This command is provided e.g. for the type at the declaration of a function block instance in order to open the function block within the ST-editor.

For the declaration MyInstance : TON; within the ST-viewer, the command is provided for TON. Result of the command: Neuron Power Engineer opens the ST-editor for TON.

You are also able to use the following possibility within the ST-viewer:

  1. Press and hold the Ctrl-key, then move the mouse cursor over the element.
    Result: As within the ST-editor, the element becomes a hyperlink as evident by its colored and underlined font. Within the ST-viewer, a pop-up window is additionally displayed. This pop-up window provides commands analogous to the commands provided within the context menu of the ST-viewer.

  2. Click onto one of the commands in order to open the declaration and to transfer the instance context or not.
    If you click onto the hyperlink at once, Neuron Power Engineer executes the command that is listed at the first position of the pop-up window.